Sunday, June 15, 2014

10 Things I Learned from my Dad.

1. You can learn anything and everything from a book.
2. We are not lost. We are right here. 
3. Only boring people are bored. (This was especially infuriating to hear when I was a pre-teen, but it's true.)
4. There's no reason to commit to only one instrument (or in my case, hobby).
5. But there is true love. And you should hold out for it, but if it's not right there, it's okay.
6. If you say no to opportunities, they will go away. So always say yes. Just in case. (I didn't say all this advice as useful....)
7. Learn some good jokes, so you can tell them over and over to perfect them over time. If you forget the punch line, sometimes you can remember it if you just start telling the joke anyway. If not, time to make up a new punchline! Funny voices are always helpful. 
8. Take care of the wood, and it will last forever. 
9. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right. 
10. Cooking is fun. But McDonald's is handy, too. 

These might not be what he intended for me to learn, but that's I heard / observed / absorbed. 

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

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