Thursday, December 13, 2012


I have been feeling a little antagonistic lately. Maybe it's the season / weather mismatch, or maybe it's my own crappy health of late, or maybe you can just call me Grinchliz. Whatever it it is, the abrasions are only making me stronger.

For your consideration: Sometimes, I make jewelry. I should say, I am capable of stringing beads together. I do have the frequent problem where my skills and supplies do not meet my vision, but that's why it's craft and not art. I keep most of my favorite pieces for myself, and recently even experimented with the craft show experience. 

I made this necklace a few years ago. I had this hankering for coral, bought the beads online and realized shortly thereafter that bead sellers are no more moral than diamond sellers. I felt terrible about denuding a coral reef. But the damage had already been done, so I knew I needed to use the beads. 

I tried a couple of dangly necklace type designs. The problem was partially that the teeth ripped out of any being look kind of horrible. Just one tooth looked pathetic, and more than that, tribal. Which was not necessarily a bad thing, but....

So I wore the necklace in question to work the other day and observed reactions worthy of what I imagine the Man Repeller blogger receives on a daily basis. The insults just kept coming, even (or maybe especially?) when I pointed out that I had made it with my two little hands. Okay! I get it. Everyone likes pretty. Nobody likes to be challenged by a toothy necklace. But isn't that what fashion is, a little challenge? It was oddly empowering. Oh, you uptight, stale people who don't "get" my super awesome necklace. Your derision only makes me stronger. Pointless scarves, horrible pants - you can't stop me now.

I don't dress to please you, but to please me.

Or, vote for yourself.

Oh. I get it now. 

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